
Learn how to fall down properly jumping stairs with the skateboard [Subtitled in 10 languages]

Video showing how to fall down properly without scratches or injuries jumping stairs with the skateboard. Video is subtitled in 10 languages:

[en] Learn how to fall down properly jumping stairs with the skateboard (Subtitled)

[es] Aprende a caer correctamente saltando escaleras con el monopatín (Subtitulado)

[it] Impara a cadere correttamente saltando le scale con lo skateboard (Sottotitolato)

[fr] Apprenez à tomber correctement en sautant des escaliers avec le skateboard (Sous-titre)

[de] Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit dem Skateboard richtig herunterfallen und Treppen springen (Untertitel)

[pt] Aprenda a cair pulando escadas corretamente com o skate (Legendado)

[ru] Узнайте, как правильно падать, прыгая по лестнице на скейтборде (Субтитры)

[ja] スケートボードで階段を上手にジャンプして転倒する方法を学ぶ(字幕付き)

[zh] 了解如何使用滑板正确跌落跳下楼梯(带字幕)

[th] เรียนรู้วิธีการตกบันไดกระโดดอย่างถูกวิธีด้วยสเก็ตบอร์ด (มีคำบรรยาย)

Camera: Andrés Salom
Editor: Miguel Urbina

 Jan 18, 2014
