
I learned Bs smith on the ramp of Juan Griego - SKATEHIVE.

Hello friends how are you?
Welcome to another video for my channel, I was resting and decided to go to the park to see if I could record my friends and create the content while I'm resting.
But it was impossible, the desire I had to skate was incredible and I began to think that I could skate without straining my legs hard and the pain would return.
I have never been able to do the bs smith on the sloped part of the ramp, I managed to do it on other occasions but on the part of the corner where the fall is not so steep.
My friends told me not to skate and that if I wanted to heal I should take the necessary rest but it didn't hurt and I wanted to try.
If it hurt obviously I would stop skating and record my friends, at first I did some rock and roll to try and it didn't hurt, and I hardly kicked to roll or did much pressure to cause the pain.
I was sure I could get that bs smith I could see the difference between the bottom of the ramp and the top and it took me several tries to get it.
I left happy because I managed to do it very well, I hope you enjoy the video this week I will continue resting and I will see the evolution friends.

 Aug 15, 2022
