Donaldo Trevedhan's "covimania" part || Testing SkateHype.com

This video was made after pandemic came thrug to our country, we never stoped skating by the time, actually we got to skate more because we had no other things to do like works or college, this gave us the chance to film all this clips from the original "bowlero loko" Donaldo Trevedhan. We never share this video with #SkateHive communtiy before, so even if it is from a couple of years ago, I thing is the perfect way to start this Skate Hype journey. some facts from this video is that it was completely film with Donaldo´s I phone and edit it by me on I movie, witch I had never edit on before haha I honestly started trying hard on skateboarding again after this epoch because I started watching him and my other fellows skaters ripping it so I couldn´t not give skateboarding another chance into my life. This things were some of the positive facts about pandemic so even if it has give us all a difficult time getting us out of our confort zone, I'm proud to say we squeeze some sweet juice form all this chaos. #SkateHiveForLife

   Apr 22, 2022
