Chris Torrez



Chris Torrez
Lives in Heredia, Costa Rica and is 23 years old.

Nollie backside fullcab flip, Walmart, Chris Torrez

Shove it grind pop shove it out, Josema, Chris Torrez

Blund to nose tall body varial drop, Josema, Chris Torrez

Falle Backside fullcab heel, Walmart, Chris Torrez

Nollie 360 flip, Walmart, Chris Torrez

Feeble to grind pop shove it out, Walmart, Chris Torrez

Varial doble heel, Walmart, Chris Torrez

Late shove it, Walmart, Chris Torrez

Heel manual, Walmart, Chris Torrez

360 doble flip, Walmart, Chris Torrez

Fs big spin heel, mini gap Walmart, Chris Torrez

Bigger spin flip, Walmart, Chris Torrez

Nose manual, nollie 360 flip out, Real cariari, Chris Torrez

Nollie 360 flip, flip, fs flip, Chris Torrez

Nollie 360 flip, shove it, nollie shove it, varia herl, Chris Torrez

Fs tail, flip, varĂ­an hell, Chris Torrez

Lazer flip, Walmart, Chris Torrez

Ollie, nollie heel, late shove it, Chris Torrez

Fs tail flip out, Barreal, Chris Torrez

Fakie big spin flip, Walmart, Chris Torrez

Lazer flip, Walmart, Chris Torrez

Heelflip manual, Walmart, Chris Torrez

Nollie clip gab, Walmart, Chris Torrez

Feeble to grind bs out, Walmart, Chris Torrez

Shove it lipslide, wallride, varial heel, fakie biggerspin, Chris Torrez

Fs disaster, blunt to nose tall, fakie Smith, Nollie shove it blunt to fakie, Chris Torrez

Nollie 360 flip, blunt flip out, Chris Torrez

Flip gap, Walmart, Chris Torrez

Lazer flip, Walmart, Chris Torrez

Nollie fs fullcab heel, Walmart, Chris Torrez

Fs bigspin heel, Walmart, Chris Torrez

Fs tail shove it out, Walmart, Chris Torrez

Flip coast to flat, Tecma, Chris Torrez

Lazer flip piramide, Walmart, Chris Torrez

Fs hell, falle bs hell, nollie fs 360 hell, Chris Torrez

Fs big spin heel piramide, Wallmart, Chris Torrez

Shove it manual, Lagos, Chris Torrez

Lazer flip gab, Walmart, Chris Torrez

Flip coast to coast y Lazer flip en piramide, Chris Torrez

Blunt to fakie, Fakie Half cab blunt BS, Blunt flip out, Chris Torrez

Varial hell transfer, Lagos, Chris Torrez

Nollie 360 flip y FS tail slide en hubba, Chris Torrez

Nollie 360 flip y FS flip Gab, Chris Torrez

Fakie full cab heel, Luzo skatepark, Chris Torrez

Nollie BS 360 hell, Luzo skatepark, Chris Torrez

Fakia halfcab feeble fakie, Wallmart, Chris Torrez

Underflip gap, Wallmart, Chris Torrez

Fs heel, Alajuela, Chris Torrez

Flip over the hubba, Walmart, Chris Torrez

360 doble flip, Walmart, Chris Torrez

Fakie fs bigspin heel, Walmart, Chris Torrez

Nollie 360 flip, Walmart, Chris Torrez

Blund flip out, Walmart, Chris Torrez

Fs tailslide, blund bs, lazer flip, Chris Torrez

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