
Crooked Grind - Fabian ZG

Mientras que el mundo sigue girando Fabian ZG solo se preocupa en patinar y superarse día a día. Como es de costumbre siempre patina en las hilamas y últimamente ha destacado en algunas competencias locales.

El domingo lo vimos hacer este crooked no dudamos en capturar una secuencia de fotos de este increíble truco que vaya que se siente tan bien hacerlo en todos los spots.

The world keeps turning and Fabian ZG only cares about skating and improving day by day. As usual, he always visits the Hilamas skatepark and has excelled in some local competitions.

On Sunday we saw him do this crooked, we photographed a sequence of this incredible trick and that it feels so good to do it in all the spots.

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Skate Hype: https://www.skatehype.com/keepskating
Peakd: https://peakd.com/@keepskating420
Odysee: https://odysee.com/@keepskating
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/c/keepskating
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keep_skating_mx

 Aug 24, 2022
