Main Player features

Want to watch your tricks in slow motion, switch from regular to goofy, pay attention to this post to discover the video player options and have a great user experience.


Play / Pause
Click or tap Play / Pause icon to enable / disable play.

Seek +10, -10 seconds buttons
Will show on screens larger than 520px. Step is shorter on shorter videos.

Image Preview (seek bar)
Move mouse over seek bar in desktop devices / slide seek bar in mobile devices and a preview image will show (noise is shown while preview images are being loaded or created)

Sound Controls
On mobile devices, the volume is controlled by hardware buttons. White or grey speaker will be displayed for active or non-active speakers.

Full screen
Enable/disable full screen.

Video chapter selector
Will show if video chapters are available.


Will show/hide this options:

Top options

  • SW or Switch button, watch mirrored screen transforming regular into goofy and viceversa.
  • LOOP enable/disable to play the currrent video in loop mode.
  • SMART ZOOM automatically fit player to the available screen (mobile devices only)
  • AirPlay (Only if the device is available) Will send the video to the TV. Will show in Apple Devices and works on AirPlay compatible TVs.
  • Cast (Only if the device is available) Will send the video to the TV. Will show in ChromeCast compatible Devices or ChromeCast bulit-in TVs.
  • Playnext show next video and related content.

Bottom options

  • Playback rate RSM, half, normal and double speed are available. The preview of an RSM is only shown in tricks where the owner has created a Ramped Slow Motion when publishing the video or has used the Edit RSM option in the three-dot menu to create it.
  • Video quality selector Two optimised options are shown to give maximum loading speed or maximum video quality.
  • Subtitle language selector Will show if subtitles are available.
   Jul 26, 2020

