How to write title and description to be found

The information in our publication must be complete to be found. There are some blocks to pay attention to:


The trick is to type the title as you type the text in the search engine "Frontside flip, El Toro, Andrew Reynolds". If you search for flip, you will get millions, if you search for frontside flip, thousands, if you search for frontside flip, El Toro,... Got it?

Titles must shortly and accurately describe the content of the publication


Description is like the title, where you can also explain who appears in the publication, who is filming, where is the spot, ... and all kinds of data that we, as skateboarders like to find. You can also format your description with Markdown

Descriptions must deeply and accurately describe the content of the publication

EXTRA: The background image of the video (the poster)

By default the background image of the video is taken within 5 seconds of the video and in the worst case it can match a black box ... use the tool you'll find in the three-point menu at the top right of the own publication to choose precisely the frame that most represents your video. Consider create a beautiful personalized thumbnail.

 Jun 14, 2019

