[Archive] Simple and fun tricks with friends at CIEP434
Evandro Martins - Ollie transfer
Jorge Cupim - No Comply Crail Grab
Old line, but gold line! [Fernando Menezes 2018]
Fernando Menezes short tricks @ Praça XV
Nollie Tailslide, Praça XV, Fernando Menezes Junior
A preview of what #DreaminGoSkateboardingDay was all about
Some tricks in rail [fmajuniorphoto, 2022]
Igor Balestieri, Flip [fmajuniorphoto, 2022]
Flip, Carol Neotti [fmajuniorphoto, 2022]
50-50, Duda Oliveira [fmajuniorphoto, 2022]
Fs Hurricane Reverse, Elton Oliveira [fmajuniorphoto, 2022]
Bs 180 to Fakie Pivot Grind Reverse, Léo Spanghero [fmajuniorphoto 2022]
Fs Heelflip, Leandro Rosa [fmajuniorphoto 2022]
Video, Photo & Photo sequence
Video, Photo, Photo sequence & Album