Carlos Fermin



Carlos Fermin
Lives in Punto Fijo, Venezuela and is 37 years old.

Nollie inward heelflip, Parque metropolitano, Carlos Fermin

Metropolitano night sesh

Bs noseblunt, Plaza bolivar, Carlos Fermin

360 flip, Parque metropolitano, Carlos Fermin

Flip manual bs, sw flip, Carlos Fermin

Flip bs crooked, 360 flip, fs blunt fakie, Carlos Fermin

Flip over the rail, Parque metropolitano, Carlos Fermin

360 flip manual, Plaza bolivar, Carlos Fermin

Bs flip gap, Parque metropolitano, Carlos Fermin

Sw 180 fs, big flip, Carlos Fermin

Nollie noseslide, bs smith, Carlos Fermin

Flip fs feblee, Parque metropolitano, Carlos Fermin

Sw heel, half cab flip, fs blunt slide, Carlos Fermin

Sw varial heel gap, cancha metropolitano, Carlos Fermin

Hardflip gap, Centro punto fijo, Carlos Fermin

Sesion inglesia sta irene

360 flip gap, Bigger punto fijo, Carlos Fermin

Bs nosegrind, bs smith, 360 flip, Carlos Fermin

Nollie shove it bs 5-0, Parque metropolitano, Carlos Fermin

Sesion flatbar margaritas skatepark

Bs grind, bs grind shove it

180 pivot, Parque metropolitano, Carlos Fermin

Bs nosegrind shove it out, Parque metropolitano, Carlos Fermin

360 flip, Las condes streets, Carlos Fermin

Manual, nose manual,manual, Plaza bolivar, Carlos Fermin

Nollie nosegrind, flip bs lipslide, Carlos Fermin

Fs noseslide shove it, Plaza bolivar, Carlos Fermin

Hardflip 5 stairs, Chuby skatepark, Carlos Fermin

Bs noseblunt slide, Plaza bolivar, Carlos Fermin

Fs noseslide, sw fs noseslide, Carlos Fermin

Fs feblee, bs tailslide shove it out, Carlos Fermin

Nollie fs flip, Parque metropolitano, Carlos Fermin

Fs bluntslide, bs nosegrind revert, Carlos Fermin

Bs tailslide shove it out, hardflip, nollie heel, Carlos Fermin

Mini stairs sesh

Skatepark metropolitano sesh

Sw heelflip gap, Cancha metropolitano, Carlos Fermin

Flip sobre bote de basura, Skatepark meteopolitano, Carlos Fermin

Fs feblee, fs bluntslide, big spin fs bores, Carlos Fermin

Flip bs lip slide, fs nosegrind, Carlos Fermin

180 nosegrind, Plaza bolivar, Carlos Fermin

Big flip fs bores, San borjas, Carlos Fermin

Ollie sobre el bote de basura, Lc1, Carlos Fermin

Fs nose slide, Santiago centro, Carlos Fermin

Bs tail slide low to high, Skatepark metropolitano, Carlos Fermin

360 flip, Skatepark bacoa, Carlos Fermin

Bs flip, Bella vista, Carlos Fermin

Flip bs smith grind, Skatepark bonilla, Carlos Fermin

Flip bs tailslide, Parque bustamante, Carlos Fermin

Flat tricks, Carlos Fermin

Flip bs noseblunt, Parque san borjas, Carlos Fermin

Bs smith, Parque bustamante, Carlos Fermin

Flip manual, flip bs tailslide, 360 flip, Carlos Fermin

Fs blunt slide shove it out, Skatepark Parque del este, Carlos Fermin

360 backside, Skatepark bonilla, Carlos Fermin

Bs tailslide, flip gap, Carlos Fermin

Fs smith grind, Club manaure, Carlos Fermin

Flip fs crooked grind sketchy, San borjas, Carlos Fermin

Nollie noseblunt, 180 nosegrind, Carlos Fermin

Big spin flip fs boardslide, Bonilla, Carlos Fermin

360 flip plano inclinado, Toba park, Carlos Fermin

Fakie flip tail slide, Polideportivo manaure, Carlos Fermin

180 sw crooked, sw nose manual, Carlos Fermin

Flip fs boardslide, Galpunk, Carlos Fermin

Nollie nose manual nollie shove it out, pop shove it manual, Carlos Fermin

Fs blunt slide big spin out, Skatepark til til, Carlos Fermin

Fs hurricane, fs blunt shove it, Carlos Fermin

Flip nose manual, Plaza bolivar, Carlos Fermin

Nose manual fs, fakie 5-0, Carlos Fermin

180 pivot grind, Recoleta, Carlos Fermin

Fs blunt fakie, Galpunk, Carlos Fermin

Sw nose manual fakie flip out, Plaza bolivar, Carlos Fermin

Flip fs board slide, Skatepark parque del este, Carlos Fermin

Flip, bs tail slide, flip bs 5-0, Carlos Fermin

Fs blunt, 180 nosegrind, 180 5-0, Carlos Fermin

Fs board slide 5 stairs rail, Skatepark del este, Carlos Fermin

Ollie sobre la moto, Shell, Carlos Fermin

Pop shove it gap papa jhons, Skatepark las condes, Carlos Fermin

Gap to manual, Providencia, Carlos Fermin

Hardflip, bs flip gap, Carlos Fermin

Flip fs nose slide, Plaza bolivar, Carlos Fermin

180 fakie 5-0, sw heelflip, fakie flip, Carlos Fermin

Bs flip sobre el bote de basura, Cancha pakistan, Carlos Fermin

Flip bs lip slide, 360 flip, Carlos Fermin

360 flip manual, Paseo bandera, Carlos Fermin

Nollie inward heelflip 5 stairs, Providencia, Carlos Fermin

Backside 180 gap, Parque san borjas, Carlos Fermin

Nollie bs heel, Club manaure, Carlos Fermin

Fs blunt slide, 360 flip, flip 5 stairs, Carlos Fermin

Flip 5 stairs, Parque ohiggins, Carlos Fermin

Pop shove it fs nosegrind, Recoleta, Carlos Fermin

Hardflip sobre la ciclovia, Bella vista, Carlos Fermin

Bs 180 manual, Providencia, Carlos Fermin

Flat tricks, flip bs tailslide, bs tailslide shove it out, Carlos Fermin

270 lipslide, San borjas, Carlos Fermin

Bs flip over the trash can, Parque bustamante, Carlos Fermin

Bs noseblunt, San borjas, Carlos Fermin

Fs bluntslide flip out, Skatepark metropolitano, Carlos Fermin

Fs blunt slide shove it out, nollie inward heel, hardflip, Carlos Fermin

Bs doble flip, big spin flip, Carlos Fermin

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